Getting down the stairs on your bottom much better/faster this month. Two more teeth! They just keep coming in. A total of 13 now. You are up to a 5 ½ - 6 size shoe.
You are picking up on commands better. For example, sometimes you’ll pick something up if I ask. Or I’ll say “go feed the baby” and you’ll take the bottle over and feed the baby boll.
Fun things this month:
Playing in the snow for the first time. Visits from both Grandma D and Grandma K. Playdates with Crosby and Gavin. Dad’s birthday. First dinner out to a sit down restaurant!
I'm not really in the mood right now mom, lol |
New Words:
“Oh no” “Go” “pop” “bubble” “thank you” and my favorite “whoa!” Plus a whole lot of babble that I don’t understand.
You’ll have a whole conversation in anything that resembles a phone (tv remote, baby monitor, etc.) “Hewwo?” “babble babble babble” “Bye”
They’ve been teaching you letter sounds at preschool. You say B, M, and P a lot. “buhbuh” “mmm” “puhpuh”
You also roar like a lion ALL the time!
I’m pretty sure you are an extrovert. When I take you to friends houses I can set you down and you’ll just start walking around and checking things out like you own the place. You seem to thrive around groups and out in public. I think you get pretty bored when we are at home all day. You are so goofy, always making monkey sounds and turning your head side to side really fast. You love to laugh. At your current age, you are pretty obedient and usually stop when you hear, “Avalyn KATE!”
You like your new bouncy jumping zebra. You have also been making a lot of ruckus with your drums. You’ve really taken an interest in Yo Gabba Gabba.
Better spirits now |
Silly Stuff:
You’ve started dragging stuff out of the kitchen cabinets. You also like to hide stuff in the cabinets, like my boots! I’ve also found stuff floating in the toilet. The kitty food and water are another place you like to sneak off and get into.
You also have this new face. We call it the squinty face. You close your eyes and smile real big.
Overall, you’ve been really fun, crazy, and hyper this month!